Was ist Inside Ästhetik?
The key to our success - great guests
Zu den traditionellen Methoden, mit denen Marken neue Kunden finden, gehören persönliche Gespräche auf Konferenzen, Werbung in medizinischen Fachzeitschriften und Einzelgespräche in Kliniken. Es war schon immer eine Herausforderung, neue Leads zu finden, neue Geschäfte zu generieren und den Umsatz zu steigern – aber nach COVID ist es eine besonders schwierige Herausforderung.
Selbst wenn größere persönliche Veranstaltungen wieder beginnen, ist es schwierig, Traktion zu gewinnen und eine echte Beziehung zu neuen Kunden aufzubauen, und besteht normalerweise aus einem überstürzten Chat. Ihre Möglichkeiten, Ihre Marke zu verkaufen oder zu präsentieren, sind sehr begrenzt, während Sie gleichzeitig mit konkurrierenden Unternehmen um die Aufmerksamkeit der Leute konkurrieren. So generierte Leads sind oft von schlechter Qualität und der ROI für die Präsenz Ihres Unternehmens, den Aufbau eines Markenstandes, Reise- und Übernachtungskosten Ihrer Mitarbeiter, Kundenunterhaltung usw. ist in der Regel sehr gering. Unsere Marktforschung legt nahe, dass ein durchschnittliches Unternehmen normalerweise 25.000 bis 80.000 US-Dollar ausgibt, um einfach bei einer großen australischen Konferenz anwesend zu sein.
Wir sehen Podcasts als einzigartiges und weitaus authentischeres Mittel, um mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt zu treten. Inside Aesthetics hat sich als führender Kanal für die Ästhetikbranche etabliert. Wir werden bis zu 15.000 Mal im Monat heruntergeladen und auf Geräte gestreamt, die noch einmal so hoch sind. Unsere Hörer sind alle innerhalb der Branche, sehr engagiert und Sie haben 60-90 Minuten ihrer Aufmerksamkeit pro Folge. Für Marken, die ihre einzigartigen und zukunftsweisenden Produkte präsentieren möchten, ist Inside Aesthetics die ideale Plattform, um Ihre Botschaft zu vermitteln.
Für weitere Informationen füllen Sie bitte das untenstehende Formular aus und wir senden Ihnen einen Partnervorschlag:
Firstly - who we don't want as a guest!
We receive at least one enquiry a day from PR companies asking if we'd be interested in hosting their client on an episode of IA. Whilst being on the radar of these PR agencies is very flattering for us, the vast majority of these enquiries are obviously looking for some free PR for their clients and are of no benefit to us our our listeners.
The same goes for enquiries from individual injectors or clinics wanting to boost to their online profile or credibility, we have no interest in hosting such guests.
So please think about this and what value your client brings to IA before contacting us. If you really do think that they have a point of difference, we would still consider this application sponsored as the referral will be via a paid PR agency or agent. In this scenario please apply via the brand or company route below.
Individual guest applications:
We have two polite requests from individual guests before applying:
Please listen to our podcasts first - it might sound obvious but we assume that anyone applying to be a guest would have listened to some of our episodes, understand what we do, who we are and have some concept of how the podcast works.
Please subscribe to our Patreon (annual subscription to the 'Patreon Tier') - appearing on an episode of IA will give you incredible reach. Whilst we don't charge a fee for our non-sponsored episodes, we do ask our guests to show their support for us and to become part of our community.
What type of episode might you record with us?
Our podcasts are well known for the mini-series that we publish. These episodes focus on particular aspects of our industry or aesthetics and are categorised below. But if you think you still have something to offer outside of these, we'll happily consider your application.
The Injector Diaries
These episodes feature in depth conversations, stories and experiences from injectors around the globe. Each injector brings their own unique take on things and we showcase every level of type of injector, from newbies to masters. We explore how and why they chose to inject, why they favour using certain products, look under the hoods of their clinics and aim to inspire our injector listeners.
The Business Of Injecting
In these episodes we host injectors and clinic owners to discuss all aspects of the business side of their clinic. We analyse their financial struggles and challenges, difficult decisions, friction points, staffing, hiring, firing and other topics relevant for aesthetic business owners.
The Tox Talks
In these episodes we hosts injectors who have significant experience with toxins and those who are experts with particular brands of toxins. In the future we are looking for experts to talk about:
- Daxxify
- Botulinum Toxin Type B
- Relfydess (Relabotulinum Toxin)
- Botulinum Toxin E
- On label use of Botox for the Platysma
Masterclass Series
In this mini-series we host experts who have significant experience to teach our listeners about hyaluronic acid fillers, bio-stimulators, polynucleotides, exosomes and other injectable products.
What's Trending In Aesthetics?
In this mini-series we discuss topics that have been trending on social media or in the news. We'll cover controversies, news, big stories and themes that have got injectors and our industry talking. If you have an opinion and a story that you want to discuss please let us know!
The Entrepreneurs
This new mini-series focuses on pioneers in the business world. Our entrepreneurs will share their stories of success, failure, life-changing lessons and big decisions that they made. We want to showcase guests from all sorts of backgrounds (and not necessarily only those from the aesthetic world) to inspire our listeners how to create wealth, success and a winning mindset.
Disasters & Solutions
Here we look at some of the unusual, difficult or outright disasterous outcomes for patients caused by injectables. We speak to the injectors who managed the case and go through what happened, step by step. We’ll learn about what might have been done to prevent the problem and what injectors can do in their own practice to be safer practitioners.
The Beauty Of The World
This mini-series hosts globally-renowned key opinion leaders to discuss their own regions beauty standards, aesthetic trends and the injectable market in their part of the world. We try to better understand what people find attractive, what influences this and celebrate the similarities and amazing differences between our faces and skin tones. We have covered South Africa (& Africa), Sweden (& Europe), Singapore (& Asia), Brazil (& Latin America), India (& Sub-Continental Asia) and UAE (& The Middle East) so far.