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品牌尋找新客戶的傳統方法包括在會議上面對面參與、在醫學期刊上做廣告以及在診所進行一對一的會議。尋找新的潛在客戶、創造新的業務和增加銷售額一直具有挑戰性——但在 COVID 之後,這是一個特別困難的挑戰。


即使更大的面對面活動再次開始,獲得牽引力並與新客戶建立真正的融洽關係也很困難,通常包括匆忙的聊天。您銷售或展示您的品牌的機會非常有限,同時您還將與競爭對手公司競爭以吸引人們的注意力。像這樣產生的潛在客戶通常質量很差,而且貴公司的存在、品牌展台的建立、員工的差旅和住宿費用、客戶娛樂等的投資回報率通常非常差。我們的市場研究表明,普通公司通常只花 25,000-80,000 美元參加一次澳大利亞的大型會議。


我們將播客視為與潛在客戶建立聯繫的一種獨特且更加真實的方式。 Inside Aesthetics 已成為美學行業的領先渠道。我們每個月的下載量高達 15,000 次,此外還有流式傳輸到設備上的次數又使這個數字翻了一番。我們的聽眾都在行業內,參與度很高,每集您將有 60-90 分鐘的注意力。對於想要展示其獨特和開創性產品的品牌,Inside Aesthetics 是傳達您信息的理想平台。  



Inside Aesthetics has become a trusted platform and voice for our industry.  With our reach, we have decided to give our Australian listeners the opportunity to comment on the new AHPRA Guidelines. 


We all want to have an industry that best serves our patients and that has patient safety as its very core. Having spoken to numerous key stake holders and leaders, many do not feel that the proposed guidelines help patients understand cosmetic treatments and nor do they improve patient safety. 


There is a secondary and significant impact on individual cosmetic practitioners and aesthetic businesses due to the severe constraints of the regulations. They feel that the new regulations are not in line with how other medical specialities are governed. Some parties believe the new rules have not been thought through in terms of how the changes are implemented practically and there will be a significant and negative impact on how practitioners work and interact with their patients. 

How can you help change the 
proposed AHPRA guidelines? 

We would like to collect as many of your opinions as possible and will share these with the relevant cosmetic colleges listed below. This information can then be used by the colleges in any further discussions with AHPRA to help affect change in the proposed guidelines.

The reason we are asking for your personal information is to prove the legitimacy of our survey and so that AHPRA take our feedback seriously. We want to collaborate with the colleges as a united voice and in the future we will also help in any way we can to further promote an agreed standard of training and best practice. 

Thanks for submitting!


IA Patreon is the name of our members-only subscription service. We have nearly 200 injectors signed up from all over the world and we provide a wide variety of content including:

- Injectable hints and tips videos (including patient assessments and injecting)

- Business insights and hints and tips videos

Injectable Zoom webinars 

- An online library with clinical papers and other resources

- A (very!) active community participating in four different WhatsApp groups (General, injectables, business and regenerative aesthetics)

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